Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thing #5

I AM A NEWS JUNKY!!!! I am constantly watching the news at 5, 6, and 10. I also read CNN Yahoo news, and MSN news daily. I added CNN to my reader and I love that I can get updates without having the visit all these sites. I spent several hours today adding these sites to my RSS. Spending the time doing this will save me some valuable time everyday.

One of the articles, I came across was an article about people having diffuculities finding jobs as they finish their degrees or training. I could relate to the article becuase my husband is one of those epople out there looking for work. It's just a hard pill to swallow knowing that there are so many qualified canidates out there and there are not enough jobs out there. It's just very overwhelming and it is a very slow process.

Below is a link to the article...

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet you really will like using Google reader. You do love to check your fav websites. Google reader will help put you in the know every faster than before!
